Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requires all employers to complete and submit annual T4 statements for all employees. Employers must report remuneration, other income, taxable benefits, and deductions for each employee.
The last day of February every year is the deadline for submitting your employees' T4 forms.
The CRA considers T4s to be on time if they are received or post-marked by February 28th (or February 29th in leap years). You must provide these slips to your employees by that same date so they can file their personal tax returns on time. If employees leave before year-end, provide them with their T4 slip when they go, but file it with all your other T4s at year-end.
Filing a T4 for your business in Canada can be a little intimidating if you're unfamiliar with the process. Fortunately, there are resources available to help you.
For a detailed explanation see the
Zenally Guide to Filing T4s for Your Candian Business
The CRA website is also an excellent resource, providing detailed information on T4 filing, payroll deductions, benefits, and other important topics. The CRA also provides a wide range of educational materials, such as tax guides and webinars.
If you're still in doubt, or if you simply find it all a bit overwhelming, contact Zenally. We'll help you straighten it out.
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