Selling? Innovative financing can help you make a company more attractive to a variety of potential buyers. Earn-outs are one example of a creative financing solution…
Do you have concerns about how you'll leave your farm to your family? Careful planning will help you protect your legacy. Succession planning is one aspect of…
Discover how modern accounting is not just about crunching numbers. It's a strategic tool for sustainable growth and resilience in the dynamic landscape of modern…
Is your business facing a cash crunch? We'll help you navigate the most difficult of financial challenges, and guide you back to solid ground. This is Part One of our…
Is your business facing a cash crunch? This is Part Two of our Cash Crunch Survival Guide:Visit Part One: Expert AdviceVisit Part Three: Funding, Debt & Tax. Welcome…
Is your business facing a cash crunch? This is Part Three of our Cash Crunch Survival Guide:Visit Part One: Expert AdviceVisit Part Two: Cost-Cutting Ideas. As we…
Are you a small business owner and thinking of preparing your own personal income tax return(s) this year? Business owners should not prepare their own personal…
Getting Your New Business Off to A Successful Start. Looking to start a business in Alberta? A clear idea of the path to entrepreneurship will help you fulfill your…
Filing T4 slips for your employees in Canada can be manageable as long as you know what goes into the process and how to complete the paperwork. That's why we've…
Which is better for you, as the shareholder and owner of your business, wages or dividends? Which results in the least tax? Which results in the most cash? The…
What other factors should a shareholder consider when deciding whether to pay themselves by wages or dividends? The Meeting. Last time, I met with a client who wanted…
Wages or dividends? A Few Final Considerations and the End of Our Story. The Meeting. We are continuing the discussion I had with my client, Mary, about factors…
Must we file our taxes as common-law or can we just file as singles? The Rules. If any of the following are true, you should be filing as common-law:. As common-law…
Did you start your business because you are really good at your skill, trade or profession? The Meeting. I was meeting with a client, Robert, and we were discussing…
Are you considering moving your bookkeeping to the cloud? Do you want:. The Meeting. I met with a new client, Chris, and we discussed his plans for bookkeeping. He'd…
Ever wonder about this account on your Balance Sheet called the 'Shareholder Loan'? The Meeting . I was meeting with a client Ken, who had been working…
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