Vaughn Schmidt, Partner, Zenally LLP

Vaughn Schmidt CPA, CA

I have a keen interest in seeing others move forward, prosper and realize their dreams and enjoy connecting with new people and people from all walks of life. I'm inspired by people with ambition because it makes one remember that life is too short to let the days just pass by.

What is your education and work history prior to starting work with Zenally?


  • Bachelor of Management degree at University of Lethbridge in 2001
  • CA (Chartered Accountant) designation in 2008 with a national mid-sized firm
  • CICA In-Depth Tax program in 2013

Work History

Worked in fields of accounting and tax since university completion:

  • Government sector (CRA as tax auditor)
  • Industry sector (oil and gas and family entertainment)
  • Public practice sector (public accounting)

When did you start at Zenally?

I started with Zenally in October 2014, progressing to partnership January 1, 2018 (previously a small share partner (2.5 years) with a small firm in Three Hills, AB).

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Detailed. Honest. Caring.

Who inspires you?

Elon Musk (I respect his brilliance and forward thinking), Connor McDavid (I respect his drive and work ethic to be the best and his ability to overcome adversity).

Why did you decide to do what you do now?

Parental influence and the choice for a rewarding career in helping others in a work setting that is fairly stable during economic hiccups and fluctuations.

What is your greatest achievement?

My kids (boy and girl). I would call them my greatest blessing over achievement though, two individuals I am truly thankful for.

What did you spend your childhood doing?

I was never a toys or video games guy, my interest has always been all types of sports and exercise activities (particularly hockey, soccer and golf).

What are your favourite beverages?

Coffee, juice, pop, beer, whisky/scotch, wine (I should include water shouldn't I 😊).

What do you do when you are not at the office?

Spend time with family and friends, drive around looking at real estate with my wife (she is an architect and we both have a passion for design and real property), golf with friends and yard work primarily on my own providing for alone time to think and reflect.

What is the one thing you can't live without?

My faith and my family.


Chartered Professional Accountants LLP

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